Hope Carolina is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting inclusive affordable housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and older adults.
Hope Carolina is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting inclusive affordable housing for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and older adults.
Hope Carolina required a tri-fold brochure to distribute to potential stakeholders at conferences and meetings.
Hope Carolina required a tri-fold brochure to distribute to potential stakeholders at conferences and meetings.
The design of this communication tool was guided by a logical structure to tell the story of the organization. The layout and design elements guide readers’ eyes through the document, helping all the information flow smoothly and increasing readers’ comprehension.
The text, logo and brand guide were provided by the client. All graphics and figures were created from vscratch.
The design of this communication tool was guided by a logical structure to tell the story of the organization. The layout and design elements guide readers’ eyes through the document, helping all the information flow smoothly and increasing readers’ comprehension.
The text, logo and brand guide were provided by the client. All graphics and figures were created from vscratch.
Illustrator + Photoshop
Illustrator + Photoshop