Green Space is a construction company that provides expertise in landscape architecture, aboriculture, urban ecology, LEED and green roof design.
Green Space is a construction company that provides expertise in landscape architecture, aboriculture, urban ecology, LEED and green roof design.
Green Space required an identity design that included a logo design and collateral items that reflected their organized, professional values and commitment to biodiversity and sustainability.
Green Space required an identity design that included a logo design and collateral items that reflected their organized, professional values and commitment to biodiversity and sustainability.
The logo design speaks to the engineering and construction aspect of the firm, and the use of the leaf and wooden boards together suggests a blended, naturally creative approach to construction. The vibrant shades of green send a clear message a commitment to biodiversity and sustainability.
The logo design speaks to the engineering and construction aspect of the firm, and the use of the leaf and wooden boards together suggests a blended, naturally creative approach to construction. The vibrant shades of green send a clear message a commitment to biodiversity and sustainability.
Illustrator + Photoshop
Illustrator + Photoshop